auditing mcqs

MCQS Submitted By
Q: Having separate legal entity whose total capital can be divided into many shares are called ?
  • A: Partership
  • B: Sole proprietorships
  • C: Company
  • D: None of these
Test Selected: fpsc senior auditor test
Naveed Ahmed
Q: Concurrent audit is a part of ?
  • A: Internal Check System
  • B: Continuous Audit
  • C: Internal Audit System
  • D: None of these
Test Selected: fpsc senior auditor test
Q: How many types of Audit ?
  • A: 2
  • B: 3
  • C: 4
  • D: 5
Test Selected: fpsc senior auditor test
Q: The current file of the auditor's working papers, generally, should include ?
  • A: A flowchart of the internal controls
  • B: Organisation charts
  • C: A copy of financial statements
  • D: Copies of bond and debentures
Test Selected: general
Q: Which of the following statement is true regarding an auditor's working paper ?
  • A: They document the level of independence maintained by auditor
  • B: They should be considered as the principle support for the auditor's report
  • C: They should not contain details regarding weaknesses in the internal control system
  • D: They help the auditor to monitor the effectiveness of the audit firm's quality control
Test Selected: general
Q: Which of the following factors would least likely affect the quantity and content of an auditor's working papers ?
  • A: The assessed level of control risk
  • B: The possibility of peer review
  • C: The nature of auditor's report
  • D: The content of management representation letter
Test Selected: general
Q: For what minimum period should audit working papers be retained by audit firm ?
  • A: For the time period the entity remains a client of audit firm
  • B: For a period of ten years
  • C: For a period auditor opines them be useful in servicing the client
  • D: For the period the audit firm is in existence
Test Selected: general
Q: The auditor's permanent working paper file should not normally, include ?
  • A: Extracts from client's bank statements
  • B: Past years financial statements
  • C: Attorney's letters
  • D: Debt Agreements
Test Selected: fpsc
Q: A statutory auditor has a right of access at all time to ?

Answer: Books, accounts and vouchers of the Company

Test Selected: fpsc senior auditor test
Sabir Ali
Q: The working paper which auditor prepares for financial statements audit are ?

Answer: Owned by the auditor

Test Selected: fpsc senior auditor test
Sabir Ali
Q: Audit program is prepared by ?

Answer: The auditor and his audit assistants

Test Selected: fpsc senior auditor test
Sabir Ali
Q: The scope of work of a statutory auditor is determined by ?

Answer: Law

Test Selected: fpsc senior auditor test
Amber Ali
Q: An auditor of a company is appointed for a period of ?

Answer: one year

Test Selected: fpsc senior auditor test
M Ajmal
Q: Balance sheet audit is helpful for ?

Answer: Big concerns

Test Selected: fpsc senior auditor test
M Ajmal
Q: Continuous audit is useful for ?

Answer: Big concerns

Test Selected: fpsc senior auditor test
M Ajmal
Q: Audit of sole proprietorship is ?

Answer: Unnecessary

Test Selected: fpsc senior auditor test
M Ajmal
Q: Internal check is a part of the whole system of ?

Answer: Internal Control

Test Selected: fpsc senior auditor test
M Ajmal
Q: Interim audit is conducted between two ?

Answer: Final audit

Test Selected: fpsc senior auditor test
M Ajmal
Q: Audit at the end of the year is known as ?

Answer: Partial audit

Test Selected: fpsc senior auditor test
M Ajmal
Q: Continuous audit is ?

Answer: Regular audit

Test Selected: fpsc senior auditor test
M Ajmal
Q: Auditing is compulsory in the case of ?

Answer: joint stock companies

Test Selected: fpsc senior auditor test
M Ajmal
Q: Internal auditor is appointed by ?

Answer: The management

Test Selected: fpsc senior auditor test
M Ajmal
Q: The main objective of audit of accounts of a partnership firm is to ?

Answer: Detect errors and funds

Test Selected: fpsc senior auditor test
M Ajmal

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MCQS Nts is an online platform for all jobs test mcqs. On this pages you can find auditing mcqs.You can also find mcqs which are repeated in nts tests and fpsc tests. At this website you can find valuable resources related to auditing mcqs. As per the nts past paper majority of nts mcqs came from the basic concepts of mathematics and everyday science. nts sample papers also show that these nts papers also include English and analytical reasoning questions. auditing mcqs are most important part of each jobs test. On MCQS nts you can not only see auditing mcqs related to NTS but also the auditing mcqs for OTS, MCQS for PTS and all jobs test. FPSC also conducts jobs test for all government jobs in Pakistan. The FPSC jobs are usually announce on official website of FPSC. The FPSC test date of all the government jobs are sent through sms to the candidates.